Roger is the managing director leading LITEON+. He is an accomplished Technologist and Engineering Leader with extensive hands-on experience in both Consumer and Commercial Electronics Applications. His specialized areas of proficiency encompass team development, instilling a sense of individual ownership through the cultivation of a collaborative culture aligned with Company Values. He demonstrates a unique ability to delve deeply into technical aspects while maintaining a broad perspective. Adept at mentoring and influencing teams, Roger has a proven track record in the execution of Mission-Critical New Product Introduction, Bring-up, and Validation. He is highly skilled in applying Scrum Product Development Methods. Personally, Roger harbors an unwavering enthusiasm for both travel and motorsport.
Roger Chen光寶新創辦公室 LITEON+ 負責人與 managing director, 技術專家和工程領袖。他在消費性和商業性電子應用方面具有豐富的實踐經驗。擅長團隊發展,通過培養協作文化。他不僅能深入探討技術細節,還能保持廣泛的視野。在關鍵新產品引進、啟動和驗證方面,他有著卓越的執行記錄,並能夠熟練地指導和影響團隊。他在 HP、Logitech、LITEON 和 Delta 等公司擔任過設計工程師、技術專案資深經理、幕僚長和團隊負責人,帶領設計和開發了涵蓋硬體、材料、輸入設備、AI 和會議視訊系統和電源等產品。在工作之外,熱衷於賽車活動和深度旅行,透過這兩者,能夠釋放壓力並尋找工作的價值和目標。
Jerry is a Project Manager in LITEON+ and responsible for connecting startups with the LITEON Business Units for technology and product collaborations. Prior to joining LITEON, he served as a technical project manager at HP, designing and developing products across hardware and AI development. With years of experience in new technology and product development, as well as software and hardware integration, he is able to accelerate the connection and co-creation of value between startups and LITEON. After work, Jerry is a fan of beer and sake, also enjoying exploring different cultures through food and travel.
Jerry是LITEON+新創技術合作負責人,負責連結新創與光寶事業部在技術和產品合作。在加入光寶前,曾任職於HP 擔任技術專案經理,設計開發產品領域跨足硬體和輸入裝置以及AI和會議視訊裝置,多年新產品開發能力和軟硬體整合經驗,能夠加速新創與企業對接和共創價值。
David is in charge of venture management in LITEON+. The venture capital management function is responsible for not only investing but also forming an alliance with domestic and international venture capital funds. During his career at LITEON Group, mainly responsible for the development of multiple business lines and held the strategic marketing position in the CEO Office. Before joining LITEON, he worked at CITI GROUP as an investment product manager, designing and underwriting fixed-rate investment products. He had been working in functional units and new business development in the group for many years. In addition to materialize the new ideas and creativities, providing start-ups with the opportunities to direct and indirect investment channels. David likes to get up early every day and go for a run, spend some time alone on Saturdays, and go hiking with his family every Sunday.
David負責LITEON+創投管理功能單位,負責與國內外創投基金合投資作及Portfolio管理。光寶集團職涯中負責多項產品線開發及事業群執行長辦公室擔任策略行銷一職,在加入光寶之前曾任職於CITI GROUP擔任投資型產品經理,設計及承銷固定利率投資產品。多年在集團效力功能單位及新事業開發,除了讓新想法落地並且協助新創單位獲取直接及間接投資管道。
Kiki is the Site Manager at LITEON+ and responsible for acceleration program and everything startup-related within our co-working space "X SITE". Prior to joining LITEON, she served as a Program Coordinator and Marketing Specialist at IAPS accelerator, bridging foreign startups to Taiwan and startup membership management. On a personal basis, Kiki is a travelholic, and is really involved in club activities and foreign language learning.
LITEON+新創加速計畫與場域負責人,管理新創在 X SITE 的一切大小事。在加入光寶前曾任職於 IAPS 陽明交大產業加速器,主要負責國際新創來台的落地計畫、行銷與新創會員平台管理。工作外的生活不是在旅行就是在計畫旅行,同時熱衷社團活動與學習外語。
Kate is a Project Manager at LITEON+, responsible for partnerships and startup scouting, aiming to find suitable startups to join LITEON+ program for collaboration. Before joining LITEON+, she was a fresh graduate of Imperial College London holding an MSc Management degree with internship experience in business including a strategy consultant role advising a foreign exchange company in London and also several MarCom roles at the UK government and a Taiwanese startup. To know Kate better from a personal perspective, she loves music, cute stuff and enjoys a cozy, long walk with chit-chat with friends in perfect weather.
Kate 是 LITEON+ 的專案經理,負責夥伴關係與發掘新創團隊,旨在找尋能夠與光寶協力創造綜效的新創團隊。在加入 LITEON+ 之前,她剛取得倫敦帝國理工的管理碩士學位,並擁有在商業領域的豐富實習經驗,包含為倫敦一家Fin Tech軟體公司提供管理諮詢服務,以及在英國駐台辦事處和台灣新創擔任行銷企劃實習生。私人時間時,Kate享受演奏樂器及聽音樂、追劇、購入可愛小物、以及與朋友在美好的天氣下漫步聊天。